Wednesday 9 March 2011

Diane and Champix

going back early in 2009 I went to my doctor about my snoring as it so bad my partner could not sleep in the same room, the doc advised me to give up smoking first, as a smoker the specialist would not see me and blame it on smoking also said it could be the cause, so he prescibed me ZIBAN WOW!! that completely screwed me up mentally and physically thought I was having heart attack my hands uncontrollably shaking, wandering around not knowing who I was or where I was, couldn't`t hold a conversation just very erratic high and happy one minute low and crying the next WOW!! had to just drop them after 1 week, so I left it for quite a while before trying again, so about  March, April 2010, I went back to doc and he put me on CHAMPIX, did not read side effects as I didn`t with ZIBAN as I didn`t want to be influenced by them, at first just a bit of nausea and  bad constipation got over the nausea by eating an hour before taking the tab, constantly feeling tired so so tired, got a bit wacky but I never took much notice and I didn`t feel I was doing anything nasty to anyone but others did notice, any way woke up one morning and for the first time in my life I had ACHNE( I am 48 years young) well tried some achne treatments but nothing worked slowly it started to fade but 1 spot didn`t on the side of my face by my jaw this spot had gone pussie inflamed and very painful so of to the docs and he gave me Flucloxacillin for an ABSCESS and that is where it all started, I have had 5 Abscess 1 I had to have surgically removed as it was so big it had 4 heads on it and I named it th PIT BEAST and that is what it was a beast, all the abscess have been near to a gland never just on my arm leg back tummy but on my face near my gland in my neck, 2 under my arm, 2 in my groin and I am now on my third course of  Lymecycline (Antibiotic) for another 2 months so I have had since early July 2010 five courses of Flucloxacillin and 3, 2 months course of Limecycline. In September 2010 my teeth started to feel uncomfortable gums a bit sore at times but didn`t think much of it until January 14th and my gum was inflamed and noticed the gum had receded from mt tooth (bottom front) visit to dentist and she says could be gum disease so I had a course of Afluxacilline I think thats what the tab was called.

I still get very tired and  I`m still suffering the abscess, I am also 3 stone heaveier as my body functions just stopped working it was awlful, but each time I had to see the stop smoking nurse she denied any of the suffering had anything to do with CHAMPIX, so I read up on it myself and it all has to do with Champix ok I haven`t smoked since  19 July 2010 and I feel I would never smoke again but they should admit to the side effects and deal with them not deny them I have about 6 package leaflets so why are they lying and yes there was also the eratic crying and I still just cry for nothing or get very growly with people but I am learning to deal with my feelings when I get like that, but I am not always able to so people get growled at now and again.

 Giving up smoking was suposed to improve my health but I don`t feel healthy, ok I can now taste my food and smell wonderful smells but I don`t feel healthy